Sunday, June 21, 2009

Hello nature, thanks for everything (2)

You have to thank God for the langurs. I am having a tough time trying to describe them. Just saying dark grey fur, darker spectacled face, long legs, very long tail is not enough. When they move or run, they are so graceful and fluid whether on the ground or in the trees.

For the moment I become a Langur, otherwise there is no way I can experience the energy flowing in its body, which is the same energy flowing in me, and which flows through the whole Universe – a single, powerful, living energy this, which unites everything, visible or invisible to the eye. And the rider beam of this energy is Love. I am put to shame when I think of what we humans are doing in the name of progress.

Progress is good, but not when it involves annihilating the very Earth that provides for our every need. Only if one loves this Earth with unbending passion, can one release ones sadness says Don Juan, A warrior is always joyful because his love is unalterable and his beloved, the Earth, embraces him and bestows upon him inconceivable gifts. Sadness belongs only to those who hate the very thing that gives shelter to their beings.

This lovely being which is alive to its last recesses and understands every feeling, soothed me, as balm to my pains, and finally when I fully understood my love for it, it taught me freedom. Here warrior is a person treading the spiritual path to becoming an Impeccable Warrior. I am walking this path, and it has been a long walk, and yet I am far from being an Impeccable Warrior. But I have every intention of reaching that goal even if takes me another hundred or thousand lifetimes. –
The times of India

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