Friday, June 5, 2009

Devotion leads to Happiness (2)

Good Morning friends, we are talking Happiness through Devotions. We talk little of this in previous post. We continue our post with the same topic.

Begin your devotional time by quieting yourself. Take a few deep breaths and become still. Some people light a candle or say a simple prayer such as, “O God, open my heart to hear your message to me in the words I read.”

Then read a short passage in the Bible and some additional reading. A resource such as Daily Bread and The Upper Room can guide you in choosing scripture passages, and its witness from other believers can help you connect the words of the Bible with concerns of everyday life.

At the end of your reading time, be silent and wait to see what words, feelings, or images rise in your heart or tug at your thoughts. Notice what situations or people come to mind.

Consider how the words or images connect with your life; then pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help you to see what God may be saying to you through what you have read, thought, and felt.

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