Monday, December 22, 2008

Food for Thought – 2

Eat Set Portions of Nutrient-Rich Foods

Make your calories count. You may want to buy less food and eat less food—but improve the quantity of your food. For instance, fresh juices and soups are extremely nourishing and easy to digest. They also hydrate your body. Fiber-rich fruits, veggie sticks, and whole-grain crackers topped with tahini or almond butter make nutritious snacks. In small quantities, nuts and seeds are also great energizers. At mealtimes, choose strengthening whole grains such as brown rice, variety, or quinoa, and eat more legumes, tofu, and seasonal vegetables. These foods will satisfy your body’s hunger for nutrients.

Swap Coffee for Juice
Always your nerves, may curb your appetite and give you a temporary burst of energy, it ultimately saps your energy, frays your nerves, dull your complexion, and flushes nutrients from your body. Try swapping caffeine for fresh juice or smoothies, which will nourish hungry cells, strengthen the systems of your body, enliven your skin, and give you real energy.
Say a Prayer Before You Eat

Throughout history, it’s been customary in many cultures to pray before eating. Some people five thanks for their food. Some ask that the food nourish their bodies and bestow them with good health. Others offer their food to God and then eat the remnants. Such prayer makes eating a calming, meditative and spiritually beneficial activity. It makes us conscientious and thankful for the nourishing fits of local food. It also helps us remember a power far greater than ourselves.
ref: fityoga

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