Tuesday, October 28, 2008

You Are Responsible for Your Own Happiness

Peace and happiness are your natural state of being, but they get affected by our daily lives and interactions. I’ve learned the hard way that you can never control the way other people think and behave. But you can most definitely control your reactions, and who you want to become based on the certain situations that you confront.

Happiness comes from within; it cannot be determined by someone else. Phrases like “if only I can get my ex back, then I’ll be happy” will certainly prove wrong. However if you can’t tell your partner in all sincerity, “I’m okay being with myself yet I choose to be with you.”

When making decisions, ask yourself one or two questions: Is this who I am? If the answer is no, then you have your decision. If your answer is yes, ask the second question: “Is this who I want to become?” You will be surprised as to what this reveals to you.

Make the decision to be happy and the rest will come!

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