Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Read: Be Happy and Be Inspired

Each and every one has their way of how they will become happy. Some consider themselves to be happy when they are together with their family, some consider when they are with friends. Some considered to be happy if they help the need. Some considered happy if they have a lot of money. All of us have different ways to become happy. If you will ask yourself, what makes you happy?

Reading ……. That’s the way that almost every one considered to be happy.

In this day and age there are so many books and learning materials you can find to aid you in your journey. Pay attention to books that seem to jump at you or books that you are attracted to in the self-help or inspirational section of the bookstore. Those are the books that will aid you depending on your current situation. God also reaches out to you in various ways, through friends’ advice, music lyrics, or the theme of a movie you are watching so pay attention to the signs and messages. You can’t learn everything overnight. Surrender your learning to God and know t5hat when the student is ready the teacher will come. Watch as on by on your mentors will come into your life. You will have different mentors for different aspects you need to learn. You will find that teachers in forms of books, healers, articles even the Internet will be presented to you as you go along. Take classes. Many classes are offered on meditation, healthy cooking, dealing with anger, etc.

Be aware of the opportunities and lessons that come your way. Be happy, stay happy and keep yourself centered at all times. Blessings and light will come your way.

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