Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Spiritual love as a natural progression (2 of 2)

Every human desire, ambition, and aspiration is destined for ultimate disappointment, unless it transcends its human limitations. Life is a drama, a dramatic dream, with innumerable plots and subplots, all leading toward a wonderful ending.

Consider the basic structure within which the universe was manifested: dvaita or duality. The one vast Consciousness moved Itself in opposite directions from its state of rest at the centre. Waves appeared on the surface of the great Ocean of Consciousness. With each wave there came a corresponding trough; the over-all ocean level could never change.

All this movement exists in thought only. Spirit alone is Absolute; movement is relative. There are degrees of height and depth, which, for simplicity, were divided in scriptures as the three qualities of satva, rajas and tamas.

We can never find fulfillment anywhere except in the inner Self, yet we do absorb qualities from one another through emulation. We need to shed every human trait, including the most satvic; for as long as we identify it as a quality possessed by the ego, even satvic qualities suggest that in delusion itself lays the key to enlightenment.

Yet without human friendships we might never get a hint of God’s infinitely greater friendship. Moreover, although human love is “the greatest delusion,” without it we might never feel inspired to seek its true fulfillment, that is, union with God.
The Times of India

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