Friday, November 7, 2008

Man’s Best Friend – 2

Dogs are also wonderful stress-busters. If your world is going haywire, a dog’s a a dog’s companionship will prove to be invaluable. Try taking a walk with your dog. Not too keen on moving a muscle? Research shows that gently petting your dog, or just sitting in the same room with him, can reduce harmful responses to stressful situations. He won’t argue with you. He’ll always side with you and he’ll give you a whole lot of non-judgmental support. Just what you need to ride a stress attack through.

Dogs have this uncanny ability to sense your moods and feelings. He knows when you’re happy and likewise when you’re feeling down-in-the-dumps, He will always try to make you feel better. Perhaps more importantly, dogs don’t care it you’re 15 pounds over-weight or balding. He really couldn’t care less if you’re not in an upwardly-mobile job or haven’t been out on a date in ages. He’ll be content to give you all the love and companionship you need.

At the end of the day, and this article, it is a whole lot easier to understand and appreciate why dogs deserve the title “man’s best friend.”

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